Do you have a straight hair with Emo style hair cut and want to re-create a salon quality blow dry at home? This short video shows how to blow dry your hair and create the right base for different Emo hair styles.
Shag Hairstyles: Tips, Advice, News, Photos. Modern and Top Shag Haircuts & Styles for You!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How to Style Jessica Simpson’s Hairstyle
This post will tell you how to copy Jessica Simpson’s “sex kitten” sexy, tousled waves on your hair. This hairstyle is best on hair that is past the shoulders in length and has long layers cut into it.
To get this style to look its best, wash your hair the night before and apply some mousse while it’s still damp. Let your hair completely air dry, or you can blow-dry it to get most of the moisture out. Hair that is clean–but not freshly washed–right before you style it will hold the style better.
When it’s time to style your hair, apply some shine serum to the ends to avoid frizzies.Using a large-barreled curling iron, take a 2-inch section of your hair and wrap it around the curling iron in a spiral-like fashion. Roll the hair up until it is 2 to 3 inches from the root. You want the top of your hair to be smoother, so don’t curl all the way up to the scalp.Once a section is curled, carefully remove the curling iron in order not to disturb the newly-formed wave. Spray the curl with an aerosol hair spray and move on to the next section of hair. Repeat this curling and hair spray process.
How to Style Jessica Simpson’s Hairstyle
Once all of your hair has been curled and set with hair spray, flip your head upside-down and tousle your hair with your fingers.
When you’ve tousled the hair, flip your head back up and, using a Mason Pearson brush (see resources), back comb the hair only at the crown to create a sexy, ‘60s bump.Now smooth the top layers of your hair by using the Mason Pearson brush. Carefully brush the top portion of the top layers until they sit smooth, with no obvious holes or back-combing showing through.
Create a side part. Swoop your bangs, if you have them, over one eye for extra sex appeal.
Finish off this style with a light misting of hair spray to hold the style.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Hathaway Medium Hair
Ever since she cut off her long locks, Anne Hathaway has looked great with medium hair and with her movie Bride Wars out, it is a good time to showcase this look. In this photo, she shows off how to add volume to the tresses and how to style the hair differently by pinning one side back and parting the hair to frame the face very well. It is just one of the many options for styling medium hair while also giving it a more formal touch.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How to Style Short Hairstyles to Medium
Short to medium hairstyles, the fast style can be an effective means to create a new look in your hair while creating a look that is simple and easy to administer. Through the use of hairstyles that are within a few minutes, you can and be ready for the day looking stylish and assembled in less than five minutes. For women with an agenda, on the jump and even those with small children, the countless minutes in preparation for a trip, or preparing for the day, these hairstyles are an essential component for a quick and creative design styles.
While styling until you get a fast, use pins and Finishing Spray, a funky style. By using the comb and spray finishing, using again the combination of techniques to within the band on the hair. Through these areas, where volume was at the base of the hair, now Pins Pin, certain parts of the hair. Use techniques such as pinning the crossing pins over another and the rotation of the hair, to have an effect on a funky styles until you get that can be created with a dry hair, but it can also be used for wet hair on the go with a similar effects.
Other short hairstyles that are quick to create are simple so that your hair natural waves. If you do not have the time in the morning to just over the whole length of hair or even have time to dry the entire hair, than to examine the question of whether the hair to find its natural waves and waves improve the volume of products. Through the use of these products, people cut in half the hair is dry, with products that can be used to waves and volume within a few minutes to stay up to date on the latest styles.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Cut Side Swept Bangs? That’s a great idea!
As you know, the bangs and layers can make the hair style looks more beautiful! Jessica Simpson’s medium Hairstyle also has side swept bangs.Bangs whether full frontal or side swept look great and can instantly change the aspect of a hairstyle.Side swept bangs look great on medium hair as well as long hairstyles. They are great for minimizing the forehead or a bad haircut. If cut and styled properly side swept bangs can make the face look thinner and more stylish.
The classic bob hairstyles look great with side swept bangs as well. They balance the look and can hide a cowlick.Cut longer at first in case you get it wrong so you can still have enough hair to repair the mistake. If you cut it too short there won’t be anything you can do but wait for it to grow.Keep in mind that wet bangs will get shorter after they blow drying.
How to style a good side swept bangs? You can follow these steps to create the side bangs.
picture of side swept bangs
First of all, you should separate the hair that you want to make bangs out of. Pull the hair to the front, separate it from the other part and secure the hair that you don’t want to make bangs out of with a scrunchy and bobby pins if needed so it won’t get in the way, take a comb place it under water and comb the hair that is left loose to get it wet. You can cut dry hair as well only it will be more difficult if you are a novice, start cutting on the side first around the length of your nose and work your way down. As you work your way towards the other side cut the hair less and less so it’s shorter where you first began and longer where you finish. It should be an even, slightly oblique cut, blow dry the bangs towards the side where the longer part is straighten them using a flat iron if needed set with hairspray so they will stay on the side.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hairstyles through the decades
The 1950s - short, neat and curled
The 1950sYoung women in the 1950s had no desire for the long, flowing hair that many girls lust after today. Hair was short, soft and neat, and almost always curled. Of course, there were no curling tongs back in those days: in order to achieve the neat curly hairdos, women would perm their hair, then use heated rollers on a daily basis, or pin the curls into place and spray liberally with hairspray. A huge amount of effort was put into styling their hair, as well as considerable discomfort - most women would actually keep their rollers in overnight while they slept! As feminism was yet to make a real impact in Western society, a woman's appearance was of huge importance, and so the effort was deemed worthwhile.
Fussy and feminine
Later in the 1950s, hair became big and bold: beehives became commonplace, as did the poodle perm (think Lucille Ball) and bouffant hair a la Brigitte Bardot. While these looks were far sexier than the overly neat styles of the early fifties, they still required a large amount of effort, not to mention can after can of hairspray.
Bardot's bouffant
The 1960sThe bouffant styles remained extremely popular throughout the 1960s. The bob was by far the most popular style, and although fashion was becoming more modern, hair was still highly controlled, with lots of volume and lots of hairspray. The idea of hair being made to move was yet to come into vogue: in the sixties, the less it moved, the better. Some of these 'dos look like they would survive a tornado!
The not-so-swinging sixties
A classic 60s bob
If the ends of the hair weren't curled under, they were flipped out; a look achieved by using very large rollers. The roots and crown were backcombed and, once again, hit with the hairspray.
Actress Mary Tyler Moore does the flip
Sixties siren Sophia Loren
Sultry singer Dusty Springfield was a major hairstyle icon of this decade, as was the still-beautiful Sophia Loren. In the late 60s, short crops became fashionable, a trend largely pioneered by one of the world's first supermodels, Twiggy. And although the hippie movement had begun, their long and natural hairstyles had yet to be picked up by the mainstream. If a woman did wear her hair long, it rarely went past her shoulder blades, and was usually accompanied by a heavy, blunt fringe.
Twiggy's signature 'do
The 1970sBy far my favorite decade in terms of fashion, the 1970s were all about peace, love and freedom: ideals which were, of course, symbolized by that decade's hairstyles. The shag, the afro, the mullet, 'Farrah flicks', the disco wedge... hairstyles were hugely varied, but all were unstructured and had an essence of freedom about them. Very long, straight hair was in vogue, but because straightening irons were yet to be invented, women used to iron their hair flat using actual clothes irons! Talk about a fire hazard...
Cher: a seventies hairstyle icon
Florence Henderson's seventies shag
His n hers hippie hair
Two of the major celebrity trend setters of the 1970s, when it came to hair fashions, were Cher and the recently departed Farrah Fawcett. Cher's hair was the envy of many - long, straight, thick and natural - while Fawcett pioneered a look entirely her own, which was light and feathered, and flicked out at the front. Both looks required a minimum of styling and are still popular today, though they have evolved considerably since the hippie era.
Farrah's famous flicks
The 1980sThe 1980s saw the return of big hair, but in a very different form to the prissy bouffant styles of the 1950s and early sixties. A whole new array of products were on the market - gels, waxes and mousses - and people weren't afraid to experiment with them! The result was all kinds of crazy styles with an emphasis on volume. Crimping the hair was a popular method of styling, fringes were thick and puffy, and accessories were the order of the day: headbands, scrunchies, bobbles and brightly colored ribbons (sometimes all at once). Young girls and teenagers loved the side-pony look, and if your hair was short, then it was either fluffy and permed, or gelled and spiky.
Eighties hair: a family affair
Pass the mousse
Madonna: a 1980s icon
Punk hair also began to emerge in the eighties, paralleling the punk rock music scene. Hardcore punk types began to dye their hair neon colors, some opting for a Mohawk or an extreme mullet. By the late eighties, the natural styles of the previous decade had become but a distant memory, as consumerism peaked and bad fashions reigned supreme. It's no wonder we cringe when we look back on these images! And although eighties-style fashions may have become trendy again, thankfully the hair is (for the most part) staying where it belongs: in the past.
The mohawk
The 1990sThankfully, the 1980s had to end, and with it ended the excessive use of products and the crazy, pumped-up hair. Nineties hair became more natural again, but rather than the contrived 'natural' of the 1970s, it actually was natural! Grunge was the key fashion ideology of the early to mid-nineties, bringing with it effortless, wash-and-wear hair. Messy up-dos and basic ponytails were the order of the day, though long hair was often worn loose and flowing - a throwback to the seventies.
The messy updo: very 90s
Women of the 1990s just didn't have the time for fussy hairstyles, so they didn't bother: they were too busy making a name for themselves in business, politics and academia, as well as keeping up the traditional female roles of wife and mother. Spending any more than ten minutes on your hair was deemed excessive and unnecessary - quite a contrast with the 1950s, and thank God for that!The two major hairstyles that emerged in the 1990s were 'The Rachel' - named and styled after Jennifer Aniston's character Rachel on the hit TV show Friends - and 'The Bedhead', which was basically a tousled, layered crop pioneered by actress Meg Ryan. Both styles were easily maintained and therefore, truly ubiquitous.
The Rachel
The Bedhead: Thankyou, Meg!
Crazy hair colours faded out of fashion, with women preferring natural highlights, although a big auburn-hair phase lasted for a few years in the 1990s. By the turn of the century, hairstyles in general were simple, natural, and far less likely to cause future embarrassment than those of the previous decade.2000 - present
Hair of the early 21st century has largely been about personal taste, though a few distinct trends have appeared. First of all is the evolution of the shag: a highly textured, layered style that peaked in popularity a few years ago. It was often accompanied by a long, sideswept fringe, which later evolved into a blunt fringe reminiscent of the 1960s. Long hair was usually layered, and either straightened to glossy perfection, or tonged into tousled, carefree waves.
Tousled waves with blunt fringe
Sleek, straight and modern
The last few years have seen a re-emergence of punk hairstyles, as part of the 'emo' and 'scene' countercultures of the late Generation Y. Choppy hair, heavily layered, either dyed pitch black, blond, or in vibrant colors has become popular with teenagers, while those in their twenties and above have generally chosen to keep a more natural look: lightly layered and textured, an evolution of the styles that became popular in the 1990s.
Emo hair: the new punk
21st century scene hair
Keeping it real, 2009-style
Whatever may happen in the future when it comes to hairstyles, we always have our past to look back on: both for inspiration, and for how not to do our hair. Most of the time, new styles are created by top stylists, paraded on the catwalk and on celebrities, before slowly filtering down to the mainstream and becoming a part of the culture. The great thing about hair is that regardless of the trends, the way we wear it comes down to personal choice: if we want to shave our heads, then we can, and if we want to grow our hair past our hips, we can do that too. The evolution of hairstyle trends is fun to watch, but ultimately, it's your hair, and so the way you wear it is up to you.Friday, November 27, 2009
Celebrity Hairstyle Gallery: Natural curls
AnnaLynne McCord
Alicia Keys
Kate Hudson
Halle Berry
Taylor Swift
Sarah Jessica Parker
Keri Russell
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Most Popular Hairstyles and the Latest Haircuts Trends
Looking for the newest and most popular hairstyles? Here are a list of some great hairstyles:
Pixie Cut
If your daughter is somewhat tomboyish, athletic and adventurous with quite a bit of energy, she may enjoy the short pixie cut style as actress Natalie Portman chose to style her hair. this style is quite easy to maintain and only requires a small amount of gel and blow dry to accomplish.
Easy to maintain, a great style and a wonderful look for practically any hair type is the bob style. suiting most any occasion, you are able to curl or straighten your daughter's to suit as this is an extremely versatile style. Also, you are able to use ribbons, clips, pony tails, hair bands or barrettes to accentuate this style.
Aside from girls with frizzy or extremely curly hair, shag hair styles can be suitable and look great on almost anyone. Easily adjustable to suit her face's shape, shag hair styles are tapered, uneven and choppy for this reason. Although this style looks great even while it is growing out, for best results schedule haircuts every six to eight weeks.
Long and Lovely
Many peoples preference is long hair on the younger girls. Although it requires lots more maintenance, you have much more options when experimenting with ponytails, braids and other more elaborate styles. with long hair cuts, you can have the hair straight or layered and curly or fine hair greatly benefits from a bit of layering, but a young girl shouldn't require the products and blow drying of morning maintenance to get the look. Children under five years old should not be using a lot of different styling products as many of them contain chemicals that can be harsh and damaging to young locks.
Common Hair Styles for Boys
Boy's have more options nowadays for their hair styles but still can boast that their styles are much simpler than young girl's hair styles. Does your son prefer to have his hair trimmed just to keep out of his eyes or perhaps long at the back, or maybe just parted or brushed back?
Buzz Cut
The buzz cut has to be the most popular cut for young boys, and for good reason. You can get this style at a salon but the reason for its popularity is the it's just as simple, quick and easy, and cost effective to do it at home and is totally effortless to maintain. Lengths usually vary between an eighth of an inch to three quarters of an inch.
Bowl Cut
This style is exactly as the name implies and continues to be very popular, even today. Named after an age old home grown technique, its popularity again stems from the simpleness of the cut and the cost factor as there is no overhead for this style. you can acquire this style by simply placing a bowl on the young fellows head and cutting the hair that is shown outside the bowl. the result is several inches of hair on top and a close crop of hair below the bowl line.
Another popular style among young boys hair styles is the flattop which means the top of the hair is cut and styled to be flat, resembling a military style of hair cut. An even cut at the top of the head that is shorter than the sides, you will need to use a small amount of mousse or gel to keep it in place, but also is inexpensive to attain while very little maintenance.
Caesar Cut
A bit more of a sophisticated look but also popular is the style worn by the late Julius Caesar called the caesar cut. Clipper blades with attachments are used to achieve this look by layering the hair an inch or two all over, then brushing it forward to a short bang, or fringe, at the front.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wedding Day Hairstyles : Three Ponytail Up-Do Hairstyle: Wedding Hairstyles
Expert: Kim Brown
Bio: Kim Brown has been doing hair and make-up for 19 years, and has owned her own salon for 8 ½ years.
Filmmaker: Patrick Eaves
Monday, November 16, 2009
How to Create 2010 Trendy Hairstyles
This post explain how to style the latest trendy Haircuts Hairstyles by yourself.In this article we will try to give you some insight into the trendy hairstyles for 2009-2010.
The trendy hair styles change from month to month, and then it is difficult to know how you should style your hair to keep up with the current hair trends that are occurring in the world of hairstyles.You should following the trends if you are fashionable.
In order to find the latest trendy hairstyles, internet websites,fashion magazines can provide a lot valuable information about what kind of hairstyle is fashionable, in style and hot through the season that you are seeking. And there are many websites that can enable the individual to learn the hairstyles which are presented as fashionable.You can find the new hairstyles on professional hairstyle websites or find the latest fashion haircuts on fashion blogs.
The Bob hairstyles, these are a classic cut that looks well on most women and works well with or without bangs., this kinda hairstyle is still hot these days.A lot celebrity wear bob haircuts.
And one of the trendiest hairstyles this season 2009-2010 is the curled hairstyle that can be worn in a side ponytail. You can style this hair style by using large curls within the hair to create the volume and curls which are so popular. Curl larger and smaller sections of the hair to create large and small curls or varying shapes and sizes. Then, you can pull these curls over to one side and use thin elastic to secure the curls within the side of the head. After that,use a strand of hair and one of the curls to disguise the elastic and you have a glamorous hairstyle that can bring you from day to night. Pins can be used on the opposite side of the head to secure the hair, although, these tendrils can be sexy when secured with a small amount of styling spray.
Spike Cuts, these hairstyles can work for both a younger woman and a more mature woman. This is a style that is favored by a more active woman that requires a low maintenance hairstyle.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Celebrity Hair: How to Achieve the Most Popular Celebrity Hairstyles of All Time
Celebrity hairstyles have influenced us for thousands of years. Ever since Cleopatra first coined the idea that she could use her hairstyle to enhance her power and fame, women all over the world have mimicked the hairstyles and hair care rituals of the rich and famous in order to try and harness a little of that glory for themselves.
Here is an outline of how to use some of the best quality salon hair care products on the market to replicate and maintain the most popular celebrity hairstyles of recent times: 'The Farrah', 'The Rachel' and 'The Pob'.
The Farrah
Farrah Fawcett's flip was the predecessor of 'The Rachel' of the 1990s, spawning a zillion copycat hairstyles back in the 1970s. Both styles achieved enormous worldwide popularity, though the styles themselves couldn't be more different. Many celebrities have put a modern spin on the Farrah flip, creating backwards-facing curls which are softer than the Charlie's Angels star's original, for a more chic and subdued look.
The initial hairstyle needs to be created in a salon for the best effect; here are some tips for hair care options to maintain The Farrah. Apply a texturizing lotion to wet hair for texture and volume and blow dry the hair upside down from side to side. Use a paddle brush to increase volume and smooth the hair.
The Rachel
The popularity of US TV show 'Friends' in the 90s was evident, not just from the mountain of column inches and video sales, but also from the sudden craze for a particular hairstyle. Jennifer Aniston's character, Rachel Green, had a haircut in season one and two of the show which became so popular that it was named after her and replicated in hair salons all over the world.
'The Rachel', also known as 'The Rachel Shag' and 'The Rachel Haircut', is a bouncy, square layered hairstyle which can be created initially in the salon and maintained with regular hair straightening. Volume can be added successfully using a volumising product by a top hair care brand and a salon quality shine serum will complete this glossy look.
The Pob
Victoria Beckham may have started out as Posh Spice, the slightly moody one in the Spice Girls, but ever since she started associating with football legend David Beckham, the world has been transfixed by her fashion and style choices, and she remains one of the most influential forces in fashion. The famous asymmetric bob hairstyle, the 'Pob', also known as the 'Posh bob', was popularised by Victoria in 2006 and has led to a surge in short haircuts for women all over the world ever since.
Again, the initial 'Pob' cut is best achieved at a salon but there are plenty of hair care products which will help make the most of a Pob. Firstly, use a texturising shampoo and conditioner and dry with anti-frizz balm by a salon hair care brand. When dry, add a volumising mousse and use wax to spike and separate longer strands.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New Product For Short Hair Cut
HerCut is a new innovation in "cut care" rather than hair care. The whole line been formulated to target specific hair cuts as opposed to hair types. Now with HerCut you can love those cute manes in pixie, bob, shag or layers whether sleek and smooth or packed with texture by shifting the focus from styling goals to haircut enhancing.
Each hair cut has its own Cut Care Cocktail, or catalyst, as the company calls it, developed and formulated using different levels of enhancement effects depending on the cut.
If you have a blunt hair cut, then you need straight lines that align correctly. The Blunt’s catalyst utilizes strand compression to diminish space between fibers to deliver uniformity and re-create the out of salon look.
If you have a shaggy hair cut, the catalyst in The Shag with polymers will add texture, dimension and provide lift at the root to yield layers that move.
For longer hairstyles with Layers’ catalyst uses a cationic complex to connect and control layers.
The purpose of HerCut is to make a haircut work and it will redefines hair care as we know it today.
Monday, October 26, 2009
New Hair Styles and Beauty Advice
Say Hello To Art Of Retexturizing In Gentler Way
People wanting to tame or straighten their curly, frizzy or kinky hair now have a new alternative salon service - one that offers a kinder, gentler solution to re-texturize or re-shape their hair pattern to a soft, romantic wave or sleek straight and shinny locks.
Vogue Setting The Trend For Fall With Big Hair

Charlize Theron with short swept-back hair style in a stunning glamorous red-carpet look is the new cover girl of US Vogue for September 2009. According to Vouge "40s is the look" And "Red is the color". While Charlize Theron is the star cover of Vogue in US, stylish Kate Moss with big volume hair continue to be the favorite fashion icon of British Vogue for this September.
New Holistic Hair Brush
Hair care and hair styling has always been driven by fashion and the processes employed often effect the condition of the hair and fail to deliver the ideal "Look".
We are delighted to introduce the New Holistic and natural wood bristle hair brush that not only removing toxins while restoring natural body to hair but also helps to relax your nervous system, triggering a chain of reactions - relaxing the digestive system, activating the body's lymphatic system, aiding toxin removal and stimulating the sebaceous glands - all essential for well conditioned, healthy hair.
New las olas haircut
The the new las olas haircut is all about fun and wearable cutting edge hairstyles that recently been offered by Jesse Briggs and his innovative team from Yellow Strawberry salon in Florida. When we asked Jesse, how the cut look like? He just send back sketching examples and said that the cut must be adapted into individual face shape.
Braided Hairstyle
The new trendy braids worn by celebrity style setters like Jessica Alba, Kate Hudson, Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Richie, and countless runway models still continue to inspire countless of women everywhere. Twist up your hair into one of the many new braided hairstyles. There's a summer braid for every occasion, from casual to business to formal.
New Funky Twist Hair Do
Here is a great, new up-do created by top Italian stylist Egidio Borri for those who like something different and edgy. Many runway models wear it. The look is trendy, fun and not as hard to create as it appears.
A New Graduated Short Bob
A classic graduated short bob haircut with blunt bangs combined with cooler color tones of violet, pearl blonde and dark ash blonde.
New Beach Hair Styles
Its about healthy-looking hair during those wet, hot, and sticky months of summer, whether at home, on vacation or at the beach. Get style idea with these new beach hair styles from creator of Caribbean Dream Relaxer and Style Stars Team from Florida.
Fresh Style Ideas For Your Curly Hair
Getting your curly, thick or frizzy hair safely (and beautifully) through the summer is always a bit more challenging than the other seasons. The solution, according to HairPlay Salon founder and master stylist Fritz Clay, is the three Ps: Prevention, Protection and Product. Learn more about his styling ideas for curly hair this summer.
Blonde Bob Hairstyle
A classic straight but sophisticated and high fashion short bob hairstyle with high impact blonde hair color for those with fair skin tone and blue or hazel eyes. A great choice for career women or those who like to look polished and professional.
Eye-catching Hair Color effects
Eye-catching effects and sharp contrasting hair colors. Creative hair coloring is a great choice if you feel funky and like to experiment a new look. The color is used to enhance your personality and complement your hair cut and making it unique to you. Don't be afraid to experiment, but choose a trusted stylist for this kind of work.
Catwalk Look with Clip-in Hair Extension
Ever wonder how catwalk models and celebrities change their hairstyle so fast? One day they walk with short hair and next day they have a long hair that looks healthy and voluminous. The latest trend and innovation in clip-in hair extensions allows you to add bangs, highlight and length to your existing hairstyle in a twinkling.
A Popular Hair Straightener Treatment Worth Dying For!!
The October issue of Allure magazine in US includes an investigation into the Brazilian Keratin hair treatment also known as "escova progressiva" treatments, which cost as much as $600 and claim to turn dry, frizzy hair into smooth, silky hair for months. Many customers and stylists do not know that this Brazilian treatment often contains high concentrations of formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical.
New Hair Style Without Chopping Your Hair
Want to change your hairstyle without drastically chopping your locks? Before you shell out major cash for a fresh style, consider modeling a new do with a simple variation on the way you part your hair.
If you naturally have a light brown base color, try going for highlights with a multi-coloring technique. Applying the highlights in several tones on the part area and keeping the layers underneath darker will give you a striking and unique look.
Styling Your New Curly Hair at Home
I have medium length hair and I got my new S Wave Thermal Set treatment at Hair Salon. Now I need some good styling tips and product recommendation for managing my new curly hair. Here are some styling tips for you to try at home after having a wave treatment at hair salon.
Hairstyles Asian Way
These days, Asian hair is increasingly in the spotlight with many Asian and Asian-American celebrities gracing the covers of fashion and film magazines. I consulted with Ngoc Huynh, a very talented and young stylist in Vietnam to learn more about the leaf or Japanese hair cut and find out the latest in hair color trend in Far East.
Casual or Elegant Short Hair
Prepare to be shocked! There is a new hair style that will make you look sassy and hip. But the name of the style is a word people usually dont want associated with their hair: "messy". Messy, elegant messy, slightly messy and casual hair styles are all the latest rage and they have redefined what is sexy, comfortable and appealing in hair this season. Celebrities such as Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller, Kirsten Dunst, Pink and Poppy Montgomery are the new proponents of the messy look and its not what you think....
Is Short Hair Right For Mature Women?

Do you have hard time managing your hair? You never gone short before and it's hard to decide? Is Short Hair Right For You? And If you think short hair is not for mature women then think again!
Hair Style with Bangs

Appropriately enough one of the latest trends is to add a bang to your much-loved hairstyle, now there are dos and donts with any style as there is with this one. For different faces there are different bangs to suit you. To be aware of the kinds of bangs you can create we have enlisted a few of the favorites and explained in detail what they will look like.
Top Tips on Short Hair Accessories
When you have short hair, life becomes a lot simpler, no more blow drying for hours, no more headaches just pure bliss and it is completely effortless to maintain. But then after the excitement has gone of having a new short hair do, a slight feeling of despair appears, and this is purely down to the monotonous look the individual is nurturing. So heres a thought, dress your look up with hair accessories and more to the point with your every day jewellery that you already own.
Blonde Hair Style and Color Ideas
Are you looking for a blonde hairstyle, color or maybe a fresh new hairstyle for the summer? No matter how dark or light your natural base color or what your skin tone is, there is a blonde shade to suit you. So here are some tips for summery hair color ideas to bring out your inner goddess!